

Adam Lambert is the best of on American Idol
I live in Canada and can not vote.. please vote for me..
I had is songs on here but you tube keeps pulling them off ...


Rachael Kinnison said...

HI Ann~
Dont worry~ ill be voting for you and me both! I have watched AI all seasons, and only will ever vote once or twice for someone, but Adam~ I actually sat and voted for an entire HOUR straight! I love his voice, and even at my age, will admit he is quite a 'looker'! I had to go make me an apple act so I could buy his songs on iTunes~ FABULOUS!

xoxoxoxo rachael

starbender said...

Yes, he CAN sing!

Stop by & say hi.
~☼♥ Starbender ♥☼~

bonnesinger said...

Ok folks....here's the deal. I sang professionally for 35 years with my Husband's Orchestra. Adam is our NEW AMERICAN IDOL....he's so far above the competition, it's really no contest. Ok, now that that's settled, I love Danny Gokey's voice and ALLISON is totally incredible for 16! Only problem is, Allison is not a looker and as a crowd fav...just might be in trouble. Would love to have you stop by my blog and give me an IDOL opinion. www.bonnesinger.blogspot.com
thanks a bunch....isn't AMERICA WONDERFUL! bonnie