

I spent this past week moving my son to the basement and me up to his old room..
I was struggling so hard to get motivated down in my dungeon and had started working up stairs at my kitchen table ... Day light sure helps...
So I took the plunge and decided to move my son to the basement...
What a job this was...
Here is my new working room.. I am so in love with it.. if you scroll down through my old post you will see were I was before.. My basement has gotten smaller but it is still really full of all my supplies...
Now I can work late at night.. was never happy being in the basement late at night..
in the summer with the air on at night the basement was way to cold to work.. and winter it got to cold to.. now I will be nice and warm..

Here is my son's new room.. this was our second living room... So I took the love seat upstairs but the large pull out coach had to stay but it works well... He loves his room as much as I love mine..


Cat Nap Inn Primitives said...

Love them both and his room is big and spacious and clean...you worked hard and it shows..great job..:)

Unknown said...

So cool Tonya...makes you refreshed and want to create..Change causes that..

I have that TV, cable box, and dvd/vhs too...LOL

Sonia ;)

~Tonya said...

I am so glad that you are HAPPY! Seems like it is the teenager thing to do....meaning the boys want more privacy and in the basement. HA! I remember moving my son downstairs too.

LOTS AND LOTS of work. Except when we moved his things downstairs...we had to go down 2 FLIGHTS of steps. It was so worth it and he reminds me of it all the time. He says hey Mom, remember how much stuff use to be in the kitchen. I say, yessssssssss. I am so glad it is upstairs. And then he smiles. Little turkey.

Have a good one Ann and I hope you keep feeling inspired.


~Tonya said...

Oh I forgot.......they both look awesome!!

Crowing About Primitives said...

Tonya... I am so happy... scared a little to as he is down there all the time.. lol.. but he is having fun.. We had quite the day trying to get his bed down there.. Last year when we bought ourselves a new bed we gave him our old Queen and then let his old double bed go to his papa's.. well we tried and tired and well no go with these old houses stairwells are narrow.. so we tried to put it in my fathers house and no go either.. so we gave that away and took his old double back from papa.. man that was a hassel I was pooped after all that.. lol... it took about three days to get it all done.. totaly whipped out at the end of my day but I am so pleased with the way it turned out.. I have been sewing like crazy.. just so happy.. good time to get motivated the fall show will be here before I know it.. Hugs Ann

PEA said...

Oh that is wonderful. I am sure that you will get more done now.
Have a wonderful week and I will get your birdy flying the coop tomorrow. LOL